
Welcome to my website! This website is managed by me and the views expressed here are my own.

I would like to thank all those South Ward residents and ratepayers who put their trust in me and re-elected me at the October 2021 Local Government election.

Running as a truly independent candidate, without getting support from a political party or high-profile politicians, was not easy. In both of my elections, I ran against candidates who were back up by political parties and others. But despite of those challenges, I’m very pleased with my decision to stay independent. As your local councillor (in my second term now), I don’t ‘owe’ anything to anyone, and my loyalty and commitment is 100% to our local communities, which is exactly how it should be.

I was really moved by the great result of having almost 50% of voters (between 3 candidates) support me for another term, which was the highest vote (in percentage) out of all the candidates who ran all around the City of Bayswater in October 2021. It has reassured me that I’m on the right track and has given me a lot of strength and motivation to continue pushing for more improvements in our City. 

I will stay committed to our community; consultative; responsive; and focused on delivering outcomes. I will continue to listen to all sides of issues and follow the right processes when making a decision. I will be transparent and non-party political.

My website is a collection of some of my many previous Facebook posts, classified under different topics. If you access my website on your mobile phone or tablet users: note that the menu should be on the top right.

To stay up-to-date with my work and updates in real time, please ‘follow’ my Facebook page. You don’t need to have a Facebook profile to access it. If you prefer, you will also be able to see my most recent posts here on my website. I invest a lot of time and energy into publishing those updates, to make sure that you all know about important Council decisions and consultation processes, and learn about some of the actions that I’ve taken on some issues.

Some links to the main menu headings:

About me & VisionSouth Ward boundaries

Maylands Specific Issues

Important City-wide Issues.

As always, if you have any issues or ideas, please don’t hesitate contacting me via  contact me.
